Hello, world!

January 12, 2018

I am finally done redesigning my website. Although it took three weeks of on-and-off work, the vast majority of the time invested into the project was actually spent on either preparing content for my portfolio or tweaking the site's aesthetic. Thebitspud.github.io was created from the ground up with HTML + CSS (as well as the Bootstrap 4 library) and is currently being hosted by GitHub Pages.

To celebrate the inception of this website, I have decided to create some fresh and exciting content to fill the void in my previously empty blog. The majority of the posts I push out will be centered around my various programming projects, with a special emphasis being placed on an upcoming web-based roguelike that I have just begun to work on. (I'll try to release progress updates at least once or twice a month.) I will also occasionally write articles about various other topics, including gaming, pop culture, miscellaneous advice, events I attend, and my personal life.

With that being said, there is still plenty for me to do. In the next few days, I will be adding a few more projects to my portfolio and optimizing the site for mobile. Furthermore, my first progress update for the currently unnamed JavaScript game will be released in the near future (hopefully before Jan. 20). Be sure to check back soon!

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Copyright © Thebitspud 2019
Site design by Thebitspud